Children's Health Initiative

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Thank you for visiting our page! The Children's Health Initiative (CHI) brings together clinicians and researchers who are dedicated to research and training to improve the quality of care for children with mental health needs.

We are led by Dr. Katherine E. Grimes, Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.

Dr. Katherine Grimes

Contact Us

Katherine E. Grimes, MD, MPH

Principal Investigator

(617) 503-8456
F: (617) 503-8470

Recent Activities

Previous Activities

  • Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Demonstration Project
  • Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP), Performance Measurement
  • Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Institute for Community Health: IC3 Integrated Comprehensive Care for Children, Evaluation
  • Washington Circle Group, Child Mental Health Quality Measurement
  • Office of Minority Health, DHHS, Health Disparities Initiative
  • SAMHSA's Community Mental Health Services for Children and Their Families Program - Building Better Futures: Growing Community Connection
  • Founding member of Massachusetts Consortium for Excellence in Care - focus on system of care training and implementation
  • MHSPY Evaluation - The Mental Health Services Program for Youth (MHSPY) intervention combines mental health, pediatric and substance abuse services to maintain Medicaid youth with serious emotional disturbance (SED) in their homes and communities.
  • IC3 - Consultation on evaluation and measurement strategies for the Integrated Comprehensive Care for Children (IC3), to support MHSPY communities, youth and families as key stakeholders to engage in a planning process for the integration of physical and behavioral health for children, adolescents and their families.
  • NCQA - Participation on the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) Behavioral Health Measurement Advisory Panel
  • CHCS - Consultation to the Center for Health Care Strategies, to support participation in the Child Welfare Quality Improvement Collaborative on behalf of MHSPY
  • Mental Health Strategy for Canada - National Advisory Committee, Evergreen Framework: The Child & Youth Mental Health Framework for Canada

Collaborative Care

Developing a collaborative care model for Children's Mental Health

(project funded by the BCBS of Massachusetts Foundation)

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