CHA Visitor Policy

In our hospitals, emergency departments and outpatient clinics

January 10, 2025: Masks are required for patients and visitors in all clinic areas. Learn more.

Thank you for visiting CHA.

Please read the following information if you are planning to visit a friend or family member in our clinics or hospitals.

Visitor Standards (all visits)

Clinic Visits

Emergency Department Visits

Hospital Med-Surg and ICU

Hospital Maternity

Hospital Psychiatry

It is the policy of Cambridge Health Alliance to ensure that all patient visitors at our hospitals enjoy full and equal visitation privileges consistent with patient preferences and subject to the hospital’s clinically necessary and/or reasonable restrictions, including infection control measures and the patient and visitor code of conduct.

Patients have the right to receive the visitors whom he or she designates, including, but not limited to, different-sex or same-sex spouse, domestic partner, partner in a civil union, or significant other, another family member, or a friend and to withdraw or deny such consent at any time. All visitors designated by the patient (or Support Person where appropriate) shall enjoy full and equal visitation privileges consistent with patient preferences. 

Clinic Visits:

Patients coming to an outpatient clinic are allowed to bring at least one individual to accompany them. 

Additional people with the patient will be at the discretion of the provider and clinic.

Emergency Department:

Patients in the Emergency Department may have one visitor accompany them.

Visiting Patients in the Hospital:

1. Med Surg and ICU Inpatient Units:

Med Surg Units:

There are no restrictions to the number of visitors per day; however, we may limit the number of visitors at one time. Visiting hours are between 10 am - 8 pm. We will not unreasonably limit the length of time of a visit. 

*In rare circumstances, such as when a patient is at the end of life, limited exceptions to visitor restrictions may be approved by the care team.

ICU Inpatient Units

      There are no restrictions to the number of visitors per day; however, we may limit the number of visitors at one time. 

      There is no limitation to time of day or duration of visits. 

2. Maternity, Labor and Delivery and Postpartum:

General Visiting Guidelines

A. Visiting Periods are based on patient preferences with consideration to privacy, safety and protection to mothers and babies.  Opportunities for perinatal patients to visit with family member and friends is encouraged in recognition of the development changes occurring within a childbearing family,  

B. The first point of communication with visitors will be made using the intercom phone. 

1) Visitors must be able to state first and last name of patient before access to the unit is granted

C. For patients in Labor and Celivery (L&D), a call should be placed verifying that the patient is able to accept visitors. 

1)  Prior to making the call to L&D obtain the visitor's name and relationship to the patient. 

D. The L&D nurse will review the differences in visiting on L&D versus the Postpartum Unit prior to transfer to postpartum

E.   In the interest of our patients, CHA reserves the right to deviate from the visitor policy at any time.

Visiting Policy for Labor and Delivery

A.    Triage - 1 support person 

B.    Labor and Delivery – A support team should be determined by the mother during labor but generally will be unrestricted 24 hours per day.  The mother will be educated that her support team should be the same individuals during her intrapartum labor course. A member of the healthcare team may request that the support team be limited during certain stages of the childbearing continuum to facilitate adequate patient care access.

C.    Siblings of the newborn may visit but must be accompanied by an adult at all times. If the child needs to leave the room due to a complicated situation, the adult must accompany the child out of the patient care area. Children should not be left unattended at any time

D.   Additional visitors will be allowed access after delivery once mother and newborn are stable

E.    In the interest of our patients, CHA reserves the right to deviate from the visitor policy at any time.  

Visiting Policy for Postpartum

A. The significant other, siblings and grandparents of the mother/new baby may visit 24 hours a day.

B.    Visiting hours are from 12pm - 8 pm for all other visitors.

C.    Children cannot stay overnight.

D.    Siblings of the newborn may visit but must be accompanied by an adult at all times. If the child (ren) needs to leave the room due to a complicated situation, the adult must accompany the children out of the patient care area. 

E.    Any visitor with a known communicable disease or at particular risk will be asked not to visit.  These conditions including any others deemed inappropriate will be asked to leave (Active TB, Acute respiratory disease, Fever, Exposure to measles, mumps, rubella, pertussis, varicella and influenza, Impetigo)

F.    In the interest of our patients, CHA reserves the right to deviate from the visitor policy at any time.

Visiting Policy for Readmissions

A.   Patients who are readmitted during the immediate postpartum period may have their newborn rooming-in with them as long as an adult remains present at all times. The adult is responsible for the care of the newborn.

B.   Visiting guidelines for readmitted patients are the same as stated in the above section for Visiting Policy for Postpartum

C.    In the interest of our patients, CHA reserves the right to deviate from the visitor policy at any time.

3. Inpatient Psychiatry 

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

There are no restrictions to the number of visitors per day; however, we may limit the number of visitors at one time.

Guardians are allowed to visit the child at any time. We will not unreasonably limit the length of time of a visit.

Adult and Geriatric Psychiatry

There are no restrictions to the number of visitors per day; however, we may limit the number of visitors at one time.

Visiting hours are between 10am - 8pm. We will not unreasonably limit the length of time of a visit.

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