Healthy Living With Diabetes

“I believe in CHA because they not only provide excellent health care, they’re in tune with all aspects of my health.”
Blood sugar levels rule the lives of diabetics. Chris, a long time CHA patient, knows first hand the challenges of managing her disease.
"Most people don't realize everything we eat breaks down into sugars,” explained Chris. "I used to struggle to find good substitutes for my favorite foods.”
In 2021, Chris' doctor, Erica Mintzer, suggested she try CHA's Diabetes Group Visits, which are done via telehealth. ”It can be challenging to manage a chronic disease like diabetes alone," said Dr. Mintzer. "That's why we provide as much support as possible for our patients with a team approach to their care."
"We have nutritionists, pharmacists and other specialists give us all kinds of helpful information when we meet,” said Chris. "But getting support from peers changed how I manage my disease. Because we're living with diabetes, we help each other create ‘smart goals' which are realistic things I can accomplish, like walking for ten minutes three times a week.”
Chris also benefits from CHA's integrated care model. She gets her medications delivered from CHA's pharmacy, goes to the Eye Center to make sure she's taking care of her eyesight – diabetes can cause vision loss - and has regular check ups with her care team. She also benefits from case management with Elliot Health, a community partner. Chris said, "I believe in CHA because they not only provide excellent health care, they're in tune with all aspects of my health.”
Visit CHA Group Programs for more information.