Scholarly Projects

Scholarly Projects 2023-2024

Resident Topic Presented or Published
Dr. Jaclyn Perrault 1. Health Care Access and COVID-19 Vaccination in the United States
(published in Medical Care Vol. 62, No. 6, June 2024)
1. Published
2. Health Care Access and COVID-19 Vaccination in the United States: A Cross-Sectional Analysis (poster
co-presentation with Lily Gage, presented at SGIM May 2023, Aurora CO
2. Presented
Dr. Matthew Makansi 1.The Association of Childbirth with Medical Debt in the USA, 2019-2020 1.Published
2.Makansi M, Deshpande A, Braza J. April 2024. Pancytopenia and Coagulopathy in a Young Adult Male 2. Presented
3. Makansi M, Tsay A, White, A. May 2023. CPAP Access in an Underserved Population with Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A QI Project at a Safety Net Health Care System poster presented at: Mount Auburn, Hospital’s Scholarly Day; Cambridge, MA, USA 3. Presented
4. Birnbaum A, Romano E, Makansi M, Balachandar, R, Berg A, Cahn J, Hastings S, Sundaram A, Majidi A,McCormick D, Gaffney A. April 2022. The Association of Childbirth with Family Medical Debt. SGIM Annual Meeting; Orlando, FL, USA 4. Presented
5. Makansi M, Birnbaum A. The staggering financial burden of giving birth — even with insurance
[Op-Ed]. STAT News [Internet]. 2023 June 23; First Opinion.
5. Presented
Dr. Jose Henriquez Rivera 1. Health Care Access and COVID-19 Vaccination in the United States A Cross-Sectional Analysis 1. Published
Dr. Jordan Cahn 1.The Association of Childbirth with Medical Debt in the USA, 2019-2020 1. Published
2. The Association of Childbirth with Family Medical Debt (SGIM poster presentation) 2021-2022 2. Presentation
3. Two cases of cryptococcal pneumonia in immunocompetent hosts after mild COVID-19 infection (SGIM oral presentation) 3. Presentation
Dr. Preston Williams 1. Association between Social and Physical Isolation Material Deprivation & Preventative Healthcare
Utilization in the US (SGIM 2024)
1. Presentation
2.Harvard Medical School, Practice of Medicine: Pathways of Professional Development 101, (03/2024)
"Reflections on Spirituality in Medicine and Accompaniment"
2. Presentation
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