Federalwide Assurance (FWA)

Federalwide Assurance (FWA) for the Protection of Human Subjects

The Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) requires that federally funded research that involves human participants, and that is not otherwise exempt, only be conducted at facilities that have a FWA. A FWA is an agreement between an institution and the government that designates the IRB that will review and oversee the research, specifies the ethical principles under which the research will be conducted, and identifies the individuals at the institution who are responsible for the proper conduct of the research. The terms of a FWA are established by OHRP.

The CHA FWA # is FWA00000014. We have created a statement of attestation that CHA has a FWA. You can print a copy of the memorandum for your records or for a sponsor.

OHRP has established a publically available searchable database with all issued FWAs and all IRB registrations.

Contact Us

Ida Rego
Office Contact
P: 617-806-8702
F: 617-806-8710
IRB office mailing address
Cambridge Health Alliance
Institutional Review Board Office
1493 Cambridge Street
Cambridge, MA 02139
J. Glover Taylor
Institutional Official
Chief Compliance Officer

Sarah E. Nelson, PhD
IRB Chair
Erica Dwyer, MD, PhD
IRB Vice-Chair
Michelle Ewahi
Manager, Human Subject Protection and Research Integration
Mercedes Hasan
IRB Analyst

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