CHA Receives Honor for Employee Wellness Program

Pictured is CHA's David Porell and Rebecca Toutant receiving the 2019 WorkWell Massachusetts gold-level award.
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. – Cambridge Health Alliance is a 2019 WorkWell Massachusetts gold-level winner for exemplary work in worksite wellness promotion. The program is sponsored by the Worksite Wellness Council of Massachusetts (WWCMA) - a not-for-profit membership organization dedicated to the advancement of worksite wellness programs. The award celebrates CHA's achievements in developing, implementing and participating in corporate health improvement and wellness programs.
CHA's employee wellness program supports the well-being of co-workers, patients and communities by fostering a health-conscious, supportive culture. The growth of the program has been steady over time providing access to a wide variety of programs that support movement, nutrition, self-care, and rest. Annual offerings have included on-site yoga classes, sleep education seminars, healthy beverage initiatives, discounts to programs at the Center for Mindfulness and Compassion and local fitness facilities, blue bikes, and on-site Community Subscription Agriculture programs. Additionally, the program hosts an internal walking challenge that promotes connection in movement and has close to 1,000 participants. Rebecca Toutant, wellness manager at CHA, attributes much of the program's success to its support from partners and department leaders, saying, "The program provides a hub for community and onsite tools and services to promote self-care, but it's the daily passion and support from wellness ambassadors across the alliance that creates community and excitement each day." CHA's Senior Vice President of Human Resources, Joy Curtis, and Chief Administrative Officer David Porell serve as Executive sponsors for the program.
This is CHA's fifth consecutive WorkWell Massachusetts award and second gold award from the organization. CHA has earned ten awards overall for workplace wellness. In 2014 and 2015, CHA earned a gold-level designation from the American Heart Association as a Fit-Friendly Worksite. In 2015 and 2016, CHA was named a Healthiest Employer by the Boston Business Journal. CHA also earned an award as one of the Nation's Best & Brightest in Wellness for 2016.