Immigration and Health Care

As a health care provider, our mission is to improve the health of our patients and communities. This means providing advice, support and treatment to everyone in need. 

About Immigration and Health Equity

Everyone is welcome at CHA. Our goal is simply to provide high quality care and help people live their healthiest lives. As some immigrants find it harder to access health care, here are some resources that may make it easier to find care and other local services. 

Please note that this web page contains the most current resources available at time of posting. CHA does not provide legal advice. Please talk to a lawyer if you have specific legal questions or concerns.

Resources for Immigrants

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has important information on their website ( to help patients and health care providers understand the rights of immigrants when seeking health care in Massachusetts.


Know Your Rights!
This flyer from MIRA (Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition) has information to help everybody in the United States understand their rights. Available in multiple languages. 

Know Your Rights Flyer

CHA Connect Database

CHA-Connect is a free online service that lists social service programs in our local communities. 

You can find information about food support, housing, job training, legal services and more. You can also search in multiple languages. 

Visit CHA Connect

Other Key Resources

Citizenship Information

Project Citizenship  - Becoming a Citizen FAQ

Health Insurance Resources

CHA Financial Services: 617-665-1100

Health Care for All - for help getting coverage:
Resource Page  |  HelpLine 800-272-4232 

Health Law Advocates, helping people get health care and coverage

Language and Literacy Classes

English language and adult literacy classes: Statewide List

Immigration Exams

CHA Occupational Health Services

Legal Rights

American Civil Liberties Union - Know Your Rights Resources

MA Attorney General’s Office - Protections for Immigrant communities

Legal Services

De Novo: Legal representation, education and advocacy

Greater Boston Legal Services - Service locations

Harvard Immigration and Refugee Program - find a lawyer

Immigration Advocates Network - Immigration Legal Directory

Lawyers for Civil Rights - Immigrant Defense Line (617-988-0606) 

MassLegal Services - Legal Resource Finder

PAIR - Political Asylum/Immigration Representation

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