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About Our Work

Vitamins, botanicals, probiotics and many other pills and powders belong to a category of health products called “dietary supplements”. More than half of U.S. adults use supplements to improve their health, but the quality of supplements is not always what we would expect. In fact, some supplements can pose serious health risks.

The Supplement Research Program, led by Pieter Cohen, MD, has become the leading voice on supplement safety in the United States. Over the past 15 years, Dr. Cohen has investigated the novel, experimental and surprising ingredients in dietary supplements. He routinely recommends supplements to his patients who need them to treat medical conditions, while working to help all patients be more knowledgeable about the potential benefits and risks of these products.

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About Dr. Cohen

Pieter Cohen, MDDr. Pieter Cohen graduated from Yale School of Medicine in New Haven, CT and completed his training at Cambridge Health Alliance in Cambridge, MA.

He practices Internal Medicine in Somerville, Massachusetts caring for a large community of Brazilian immigrants. He is an Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School.

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